Here at Metal Gates Direct we take your safety very seriously and for this reason do not feel comfortable selling automatic gate operators to the general public as there are lots of safety considerations you need to make prior to installation. We believe homeowners are not qualified to carry this out in a comprehensive manner however are we are happy to offer help and advice on what you should expect from any company offering to automate your existing gates or offering to supply and fit a new set of gates for you.

Electric Gates
When is a gate not just a gate? Once it is fitted with some form of automation device it is no longer simply classed as a gate but a machine. As such there numerous pieces of legislation in place to protect you from harm, injury and in some recent cases death.
Here we take a look at some of this legislation.
CE Marking
According to the European Machinery directive 98/37/EC any automatic gate must be CE marked to show conformity to the required standard. Although this is a European wide piece of legislation the law that covers us here in the UK is the Supply of Machinery (Safety) regulations 1992.
This legislation outlines that any automated gate is classed as a machine and as a result must be able to meet specific requirements within a given standard and must then be CE marked as proof of compliance. The CE marking should be clearly attached to the gate with details of unique reference numbers and names of the installers.
What are the standards that apply to electric gates?
- BS EN954 covers the general machine requirements
- BS EN 60204 covers electrical requirements
- BS EN 13849 covers safety related parts within the control system
- BSEN 13241 for automated gates
- BSEN 12453 safety requirements of powered gates
- BSEN 12604 mechanical requirements for gates
- BSEN 12978 requirements for safety devices
In conjunction with the above standards there are also requirements to be met under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.
Who Applies the CE Mark?
CE marking should be carried out by the person automating the gates.
Provision of a Technical File
To demonstrate compliance with the latest guidance it is essential that a technical file is compiled and provided to the end user of the gates as this will serve as a record of the installation in the event of an accident. Within this file there should be information such as;
- Drawings of the gate and control circuit.
- Where appropriate calculations, independent test reports and detailed drawings may need to be included to demonstrate health and safety requirements have been met.
- Details of the methods used to eliminate hazards when using the gates
- A declaration of conformity
What should the Declaration of Conformity state
- Installers name and address
- Description and identification of the machinery
- Written confirmation the electric gates fulfil the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC along with any other relevant legislation.
- Information on the harmonised standards applicable to the installation
- Signature, date and place of the declaration
- Risk Assessment
- Manufacturers label / stamp
- Force Testing results (if applicable)
- Installation & Maintenance record